William Shakespeare Insults Generator

Thou abominable fen-sucked scullion!

via William Shakespeare Insults Generator.

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Australian cattle dogs playing tetherball

Finally, a story about dogs! … even if they’re Australian cattle dogs and not Border Collies.  🙂
▶ australian cattle dogs playing tetherball – YouTube.

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The Billy Goat Curse is a Lie

What’s missing here?  Any mention of a curse.  Sianis never cursed the Cubs for his ejection.  Why would he?  He was a Cub fan and his customers were Cub fans.  If your whole point for being at the game was to get publicity for your tavern, why would you ever want to be linked to cursing your customer’s favorite team?

After the Cubs lost Game Seven of the Series in Detroit, Sianis did send Phillip K. Wrigley a telegram that said “WHO SMELLS NOW?”  That got him another mention in the newspapers. That’s the closest he ever came to a curse.

via The Billy Goat Curse is a Lie – Bleed Cubbie Blue.

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How I learned to Stop Feeling Safe in My Own Country and Hate Border Patrol

Earlier this month, OTM producer Sarah Abdurrahman, her family, and her friends were detained for hours by US Customs and Border Protection on their way home from Canada. Everyone being held was a US citizen, and no one received an explanation. Sarah tells the story of their detainment, and her difficulty getting any answers from one of the least transparent agencies in the country.

via My Detainment Story or: How I learned to Stop Feeling Safe in My Own Country and Hate Border Patrol – On The Media

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Russian shot in quarrel over Kant’s philosophy

A police spokeswoman in Rostov-on Don, Viktoria Safarova, said two men in their 20s were discussing Kant as they stood in line to buy beer at a small store on Sunday. The discussion deteriorated into a fistfight and one participant pulled out a small nonlethal pistol and fired repeatedly.

via Russian shot in quarrel over Kant’s philosophy – National | Globalnews.ca.

It was not clear which of Kant’s ideas may have triggered the violence.

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