‘You don’t sound American’, TV host tells Muslim blogger from Oklahoma

This exchange prompted the presenter to tell Katebi: “A lot of Americans might take offence to that. You’re an American, you don’t sound like an American when you say [this] … you know what I mean.”

via ‘You don’t sound American’, TV host tells Muslim blogger from Oklahoma | US news | The Guardian.

Apparently Sinclair now owns WGN.   This is what passes as news for these people.

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Spanish anti-terror law has ‘chilling effect’ on satire, says Amnesty International

Amnesty wants to see article 578 repealed, and says the situation in Spain is emblematic of “a disturbing trend” of European countries using national security arguments to limit freedom of expression and restrict rights.

“Governments should uphold the rights of victims of terrorism, rather than stifling free speech in their name,” said said Eda Seyhan, Amnesty’s campaigner on counter-terrorism.

via Spanish anti-terror law has ‘chilling effect’ on satire, says Amnesty International | World news | The Guardian.

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Microplastics found in 93% of bottled water tested in global study

Researchers found 93 per cent of all bottles tested contained some sort of microplastic, including polypropylene, polystyrene, nylon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

via Microplastics found in 93% of bottled water tested in global study – Technology & Science – CBC News.

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This Is How To Pay College Athletes

It would be nice to end this column here. But, of course, not everyone agrees. Some people—the most salient are the generously compensated college sports executives and the lawyers they pay to defend the status quo in antitrust court—insist that athletes can’t be paid because they’re amateurs, and that they’re amateurs because they can’t be paid.

via This Is How To Pay College Athletes.

And then the article meanders into this.

So what is the best plan for paying players? No plan at all. If Kentucky wants to offer basketball recruits $500,000 signing bonuses, fine. If Notre Dame doesn’t want to offer football recruits a penny more than their athletic scholarships, that’s also fine.

No, that’s not fine.  A free for all could destroy the golden goose of college basketball.  The players need a union and some kind of compensation which includes guaranteed scholarships and other things for playing in tournaments.

Like pro sports, professional college basketball and football needs to be run like a cabal to survive.  As long as the players, as a class, get a certain percentage of the loot let the player’s union figure out how to divvy it up.  Right now they don’t even have a union.  One step at at time!

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Dirty Tricks

Which makes me wonder how a guy who doesn’t have a clearance, got a look at this supposedly highly classified document and why we’re not investigating this blatant breach of security. It also makes me wonder why if Nunes can show this memo to Gaetz and Meadows and Gorka and any random hobo sleeping off a drunk on the Washington Mall, why he won’t show it to the Senate or the Justice Department or us, for that matter.

But I digress. Also, apologies for that crack about hobos, that was just mean to Steve Bannon for no reason.

via Stonekettle Station.

Who authorized a US military intelligence agency to spy on the FBI?

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