INSANELY awesome solar eclipse picture

Earlier today Europe, Asia, and Africa got to see a nice partial solar eclipse as the Moon passed in front of the Sun, blocking as much as 85% of the solar surface. The extraordinarily talented astrophotographer Thierry Legault traveled from his native France to the Sultanate of Oman to take pictures of the eclipse. Why there, of all places? Heh heh heh. It’ll be more clear when you see this ridiculously awesome picture he took:

via INSANELY awesome solar eclipse picture | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine.

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2010 in IP addresses: 225 million down, 496 million to go

As of January 1, 2011, the number of unused IPv4 addresses stands at 495.66 million. Exactly a year earlier, the number of available addresses was 721.06 million. So we collectively used up 225.4 million addresses in 2010. 242 million, really, if we ignore the unusual circumstance that Interop gave back nearly 17 million addresses.

via 2010 in IP addresses: 225 million down, 496 million to go.

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