The problem arose when planners made blanket decisions, applying the criteria of speed and efficiency to all streets. Distances between points of interest grew, parking lots occupied valuable real estate, and Main Street disappeared as the automobile, not the pedestrian, became the “owner” of the street. It has become so prevalent, that much of modern planning today is aimed at reformatting these streets from the scale of the automobile back to the scale of the pedestrian.

via opinion: THE SEGREGATION OF THE STREET — An Architect’s Perspective.

When a street is shared, all users of the street must have a heightened sense of situational awareness.  The requirement for every user of the street to be situationally aware will lead to caution and therefore safety.  Designated lanes reduce the need for this situational awareness, providing people with a false sense of security while in their lane.  Streets designed to demand situational awareness may not be the easiest, nor the fastest means to travel, but provide a safer environment for every mode of transportation on the street.

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Fair Use: The Foundation of Jon Stewart’s Success

Stewart’s most powerful critiques result from his juxtaposing clips of politicians and commentators on news broadcasts to demonstrate their hypocrisy. He’ll contrast a clip of a Fox News commentator expressing outrage at President Obama taking a particular action with a clip of the same commentator praising President Bush for taking a similar same action. Stewart also uses montages of clips from CNN and other news networks to demonstrate their simultaneously sensationalistic and superficial coverage of disasters and trials. But for fair use, Stewart’s rebroadcast of these clips would be willful copyright infringement, subject to statutory damages of up to $150,000 per clip.

via Fair Use: The Foundation of Jon Stewart’s Success – Disruptive Competition Project.

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A View From The Other Side

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The new lift technology that will let cities soar far higher

Indeed, even the Empire State Building – icon of American capitalism – only found enough tenants to become profitable in 1950, almost 20 years after its completion.

via The new lift technology that will let cities soar far higher | Cities | The Guardian.

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Dog Agility Competition

Second dog in this video looks like Zoe.

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