Another view of my Forsythia bush in bloom

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Mobile users: ready to pay extra for Skype, IM, streaming video?

It has long been clear that Internet providers, especially in mobile, would much prefer offering pay TV-style “packages” or services rather than one-price access to an Internet data pipe. “Want access to Facebook? Ah, that’s part of our ‘premium gold’ plan.”

via Mobile users: ready to pay extra for Skype, IM, streaming video?.

My monopoly last mile provider will be able to charge me extra for browsing the web.  Only in America where real production via manufacturing is moved overseas while BS revenue streams via squeezing every last rube using  monopoly status is now all we innovate in this country.

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Did Cubs throw 1918 World Series? – Chicago Sun-Times

Did Cubs throw 1918 World Series? – Chicago Sun-Times.


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Origami Instructions – Origami Water Balloon – Origami Water Bomb

Origami Instructions – Origami Water Balloon – Origami Water Bomb.

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Atlas Shrugged, the movie: Not as bad as libertarians had feared it would be. – By David Weigel – Slate Magazine

Atlas Shrugged, the movie: Not as bad as libertarians had feared it would be. – By David Weigel – Slate Magazine.

OK.  I plugged this article because I find Ayn Rand’s philosophy fascinating.  But this comment had me on the floor laughing.

Anytime somebody admits to liking Rand, the following quote must be brought up:

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

It is truly terrifying the percentage of powerful right wing Republicans, people who have real power to shape the future of this country, think of Rand as a legit philosopher who had good ideas about how to structure society.

By some user called Eric

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