Author Archives: mea
Lucas reaps bitter fruits of arrogance as Chicago museum plan collapses
Though the case never went to trial, Darrah is the real hero of this titanic struggle. Without him, Friends of the Parks was powerless. Also without him, the case could have set a dangerous precedent. It would have allowed the … Continue reading
OHP Uses New Device To Seize Money During Traffic Stops
News 9 obtained a copy of the contract with the state. It shows the state is paying ERAD Group Inc., $5,000 for the software and scanners, then 7.7 percent of all the cash forfeited through the courts to the highway … Continue reading
The Risks of a Trump Presidency
But Trump also openly talks about the value of hyperbole (also known as bullshit). He wrote about it in The Art of the Deal. Trump tells us – in the clearest possible language – that he always sets the table … Continue reading
I created Godwin’s Law in 1990, but it wasn’t a prediction – it was a warning
This happened on May 4 when it was announced that “CuriousGnu” – a blogger who shares with me an ongoing curiosity about numbers and statistical data –had blogged that “78% of Reddit Threads With 1000+ Comments Mention Nazis”. via I … Continue reading
Taking a Fence Down
In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us … Continue reading