Category Archives: Politics
Geithner’s new book rips Kirk on U.S. debt and China
Geithner says Kirk, a Republican, warned the Chinese that U.S. spending “was driving us toward default” and the Federal Reserve Bank was “creating hyperinflation.” “I couldn’t believe it,” Geithner writes. “Not only were those fears delusional, but he was undermining … Continue reading
Sarah Palin CPAC 2014
A friend bailed on the speech, making the very plausible case that Palin is simply another political celebrity freakshow, like Donald Trump. I can see the point there but, with Palin, and watching the hysterical reception her puerile screed received, … Continue reading
What your favorite drink says about your politics, in one chart
Democratic drinkers are more likely to sip Absolut and Grey Goose vodkas, while Republican tipplers are more likely to savor Jim Beam, Canadian Club and Crown Royal. That research comes from consumer data supplied by GFK MRI, and analyzed by … Continue reading
Five questions on the IRS mess
Do we want a personnel outcome, a political outcome, or a policy outcome? Is the right endgame simply that some IRS employees get fired? That the Obama administration gets embarrassed? Or is that Congress tightens the language governing who does … Continue reading
Dens of Bureaucracy
It has been estimated that drug related crimes currently account for roughly one third of the U.S. prison population. At the same time, prescription drug sales continue to skyrocket, with a particularly sharp increase over the past decade (up by … Continue reading