Category Archives: Intellectual Property

NFL is advising ICE to seize obvious parodies, my FOIA suit reveals

So, what do we know? (1) Despite ICE’s initial claims to me via its spokesperson and a lawyer, ICE relies only on industry guides to identify counterfeits, not on any independent sources. (2) Those industry guides identify what they don’t … Continue reading

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The Prenda Saga Goes Criminal: Steele and Hansmeier Indicted On Federal Charges

Eventually Steele and Hansmeier filmed their own porn to upload to support this scheme. When courts began suspicious, the indictment alleges that Steele and Hansmeier sent underlings to lie to courts, or even lied to courts themselves, to conceal the … Continue reading

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How the Leaked TPP ISDS Chapter Threatens Intellectual Property Limitations and Exceptions

And here is a major one lurking in the shadows. Many copyright intensive industries are hostile to the U.S. fair use doctrine and many of the decisions of courts emanating from it. There have been arguments raised from time to … Continue reading

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Fair Use: The Foundation of Jon Stewart’s Success

Stewart’s most powerful critiques result from his juxtaposing clips of politicians and commentators on news broadcasts to demonstrate their hypocrisy. He’ll contrast a clip of a Fox News commentator expressing outrage at President Obama taking a particular action with a … Continue reading

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