Category Archives: Architecture
Lower Lower Wacker Drive
Local opinion on Lower Wacker is a mixed bag. While a treasured shortcut for some, for the uninitiated the cramped underpass can feel like “making a run on the Death Star exhaust port.” What all can agree on is that … Continue reading
McMansion Hell
New Jersey is a special state – so special, I could spend an entire year roasting McMansions in New Jersey alone. One house really doesn’t do it justice. Fortunately for y’all, I’ve selected 10 McMansions out of a million, to … Continue reading
Lucas reaps bitter fruits of arrogance as Chicago museum plan collapses
Though the case never went to trial, Darrah is the real hero of this titanic struggle. Without him, Friends of the Parks was powerless. Also without him, the case could have set a dangerous precedent. It would have allowed the … Continue reading
The House | SURE HOUSE
The SURE HOUSE started with a simple question: how can we design a home which both reduces its energy use and adapts to the realities of a changing, more extreme climate. Our answer emerged as a new direction in storm … Continue reading
A Field Guide To Chicago NIMBYs
The origin of the term NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) is a little hazy, but is believed to have originated with the hazardous waste disposal industry in the middle of the last century. The term spread as rapidly as its … Continue reading