Sports Illustrated’s five-part series on Oklahoma State football

Illicit payments, toothless drug policies, academic dishonesty and even the use of sex to induce recruits comport with the most cynical perception of big-time college sports programs. More troubling and revealing, though, was the human cost of the corruption in Stillwater. From Dohrmann and Evans’s reporting, a portrait emerges of  ill-prepared young men who feel they were exploited by the university.  Over the past decade an astonishingly large cohort of OSU players never earned a college degree, lasting only a season or two, their scholarships revoked after they were injured, arrested or simply deemed unable to contribute. Once the perks ended and they were discarded, some former Cowboys turned to drugs and crime, and a few attempted or contemplated suicide. As one former OSU assistant says of the players, “The sad part is when [the coaches were] done, they threw them away.

via Sports Illustrated’s five-part series on Oklahoma State football – College Football –

Meanwhile, over at Northwestern:

New Northwestern University head basketball coach Chris Collins has put down some roots here, paying $2.55 million for a newly built, seven-bedroom house in Winnetka.

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