Tag Archives: monopolistic practices
Why Monopolies Make Government Spying Easier
What we now call electronic privacy first became an issue in the eighteen-seventies, after Western Union, the earliest and, in some ways, the most terrifying of the communications monopolies, achieved dominion over the telegraph system. Western Union was accused of … Continue reading
The Shame of College Sports
But what Vaccaro said in 2001 was true then, and it’s true now: corporations offer money so they can profit from the glory of college athletes, and the universities grab it. In 2010, despite the faltering economy, a single college … Continue reading
North Carolina broadband bill would eliminate level playing field
North Carolina broadband bill would eliminate level playing field.
Mobile users: ready to pay extra for Skype, IM, streaming video?
It has long been clear that Internet providers, especially in mobile, would much prefer offering pay TV-style “packages” or services rather than one-price access to an Internet data pipe. “Want access to Facebook? Ah, that’s part of our ‘premium gold’ … Continue reading
NCAA’s double standard proving doubly frustrating
NCAA’s double standard proving doubly frustrating – Andy Staples – SI.com. Good article about the NCAA exploitation. It’s just one tiny example that illustrates a house of cards that the NCAA supports to exploit every college athlete in the profitable … Continue reading